--- This is what we call circular logic. You claim people in New Orleans acted worse than people in Biloxi because they're not Christian, and then when it turns out there are a much higher percentage of Christians in Louisiana than Mississippi, you claim you can tell they're not Christian because of the way they behaved! ---
Come on... I was speaking English..keep up with me here!
Do I have to type it out slowly???
P e o p l e w h o c l a i m t o b e C h r i s t i a n a r e n o t n e c e s s e c a r i l y C h r i s t i a n.
Simply citing some statistic and assuming it is true, is your problem, not mine.
It's called the 'No True Scotsman' fallacy. You can't legitimately argue that people do X because they're Christian, and when they don't do X, claim that because they don't do X, they're not Christian.
I mean, this is grade school logic.