Quite possible. That which we call modern society is still rather new in the scheme of things (the time he spoke of as the demarcation period was still dominated by the horse, although that was changing). This society is also quite interdependant on all its constituent parts, and fragile to boot. Drastic changes to one area, will inevitably lead to drastic changes in areas which may not have even been considered when the original analysis for the wanted change was accomplished.
Even if every possible cause-effect relationship conceivable were factored in, then Murphy's law would dictate that a cause-effect realtionship that had not been conceived would appear, usually at the worst possible time...
the infowarrrior
Even if every possible cause-effect relationship conceivable were factored in, then Murphy's law would dictate that a cause-effect realtionship that had not been conceived would appear, usually at the worst possible time...
This is described well in a book titled Connections by James Burke.