"Landrieu: "I will answer it. I'm not going to level criticism at local and state officials. Mayor Nagin and most mayors in this country have a hard time getting their people to work on a sunny day, less [sic] alone getting them out of the city in front of a hurricane. "
Don't you find that statement just a tad bit raciest? Is she saying that City Folk are lazy and shiftless?
I cannot imagine the people of Louisiana reelecting her. She is grossly incompetent. With all the suffering present and all she can do is whine. One can only hope this will hasten the much needed implosion of the dimboRAT party.
Sounds as though cities need new mayors or new workers or both.
Mayor Nagin and most mayors in this country have a hard time getting their people to work on a sunny day, less [sic] alone getting them out of the city in front of a hurricane. "
Good grief! She's casting aspersions on the work ethic of those poor people (LOL) I know they don't work in Chicago...
That was my exact reaction too.
A loon, a complete loon.
If the people of the great state of Louisianna don't throw ever dem out of office, there is no hope for them. Of course, my people in the great state of NJ probably won't throw the dem bums out either, so there is definately no hope for us.
Translation: "We're incompetent on a good day. How the he** can you expect us to perform when the news is telling us the weather is going to be bad??? SHEEEEESH."