That says a whole lot about these people, and little nilly crying because he left his dog on a hwy. If these animals were really just a member of the familly, it would be like chaining their kid to the porch then leaving it behind. These are drama stories to get you to donate. This care2 site is a enviroweenie site, save the rainforrests, global warming, anti hunting Lefty BS. And you gave them money? I'd feel used, if I were you.
oops, not YOU, the guy who posted this petition.
Some did take their pets and had their pets taken from them to be dropped by the roadside.
What of those people?
Have they no right to weep?
And to clarify things a bit, I am furious at those who had the means to move their pets but figured "it'll only be a couple of days and we'll be back".
I'm also p*ssed at those who had exceptionally ample warning; enough time, in fact, to -walk- out if they had no other way.
If I knew something like that storm was headed my way, I would have -all- my animals gone from here with plenty of time to spare.
There would be no "oh, it'll only be a couple of days" crap, either.
No, I haven't donated any money to the Katrina victims, I'm struggling to pay my own rent.
I meant donating to FR, which I done in the past, then I got banned by some idiot Admin Mod because I was flaming a troll.