Just came across this little tidbit when you were adoring the late narly chan.
"neocon agenda"
Is that supposed to fit these WTBS threads? Sounds like DU terminology. Mix up on the site you were logged into? Actually don't answer as I've rinsed off already but do pay attention next time.
I'll just "assume":)
So, it is a surprise to you that there is a massive rift in the Republican party between small-government conservatives and power-at-any-cost neocons who are attempting to hijack the party?
What have you been reading here that you missed the Schwarzeneggar(sp?) debates, the Harriet Miers debates, the animal rights debates, the WOD debates, and the endless stream of other topics on which freepers don't agree?
Do you really just come here to cheerlead and nod your head to the dull drumbeat of "ain't we peachy?" Or is it just that to East Coast liberals and new-age hippies on the left coast, "You republicans all look alike to me."