An anonymous Barrow County resident sued the county in September of 2003 to remove the display, which hung in the breezeway of the county courthouse. Ten Commandments - Georgia pledged to pay for the fight, and has already paid the county $213,436.14. The group must still raise $52,000.
The county settled the suit in July and paid the ACLU and the anonymous resident $150,001 in taxpayer dollars last month. Ten Commandments - Georgia refused to give any money for the settlement.
Note: $150,000 went to the ACLU, and the resident got $1.
And the "criminal" document (paper framed 10-Commandements) is now up for auction on ebay to help recover costs.
Barrow County, GA: small, predominantly Christian, rural (but growing) community, 60 miles+/- NE of Atlanta.