Is she saying the Republicans own Rush?
Just curious.
You know what? People that aren't "owned by Republicans don't have to tell me they are not. Sycophants are easy to pick out. What people who say what she did mean is that they are worried about their reputations in the Beltway, and she is a part of the Beltway. To be "Independent" you have to bash the administration. You have to list how you trash the administration to PROVE you are your own person. But all you prove is that you aren't secure in conservatisim. You aren't secure in the Truth. You are pandering to critisism that you are a flunkie for Bush.
But, you know, that's fine. She won't ever be bigger then she is, as a result, but that's her choice. I only wish Tony aired here so I could listen to him instead in the morning. As it is she is permanently off my schedule.
Tony Snow Show
Laura is supposed to be the Speaker at Our State Federated Republican Women's meeting in West Palm Beach on the September 21. I hope she is prepared with a flack jacket, if she starts the same kind of crap she has been spewing.
I think I will start listening to Tony online if I can find a station that works. She did list being an American first, a conservative next and then being a republican was way down her list...I agree with everything you said...I am on a ping list for her that's how much I enjoyed listening to her...but I think someone said last week that she started trashing the president and was on someone's list (maybe Howling's?).
Tony Snow livestream on WGTX, 0900-1200 EST
It's an inside the Beltway popularity contest kind of thing.
The problem is, that with only 13% of America agreeing with them, they'll LOSE popularity where it counts. WITH US!
She is too influenced by her coterie of inside-the-beltway pundits. She fails to see the distinct roles and responsibility of local and state officials as first responders. And it's weird because you'd think she get it, having clerked for Clarence Thomas.
I found her program entertaining last fall and earlier this year. But her attempts to distance herself from the POTUS make her appear as nothing more than a beltway insider. I'm making the move to Tony's program.
As it is she is permanently off my schedule.
She is undergoing daily radiation treatments and doing 5 hours of live radio, I think. I guess she has always been an 'overachiever" but how can she have any time for research.
I also turned her off about a minute into the interview with Kristol.