No kidding! My friend who lives next door dates a liberal C%^&* who is anti-gun and lives with him. We were in the driveway and I told him to come directly to my house in the event of a calamity for protection or simply that he should go stock up. She went ballistic (no pun intended) and almost was red with anger at me. I asked her little fat white A#%$%^ what she would do if faced with three men wanting to rape her and steal her loot. She said - "No Guns" I said - ok - what will you use to fend for yourself?
She was silent and angry. My friend wa salso silent since he is P$%^&&*whipped by this disgusting liberal fat mess of spoiled westchester brat.
Leftism is easier to understand if you look at it as a kind of mental illness that refuses to confront reality