Codswallop. This guy premeditatedly killed two people in cold blood.
Just because you don't like the victems, you should not condone such an evil act.
If you laud this act, where does it stop? How about abortion doctors? jaywalkers?
Murder is murder. This guy should be hammered to the full extent of the law.
The problem is that the law is broken in the first place, that child rapists are out on the streets. That's the bigger issue that needs to be solved.
Vigilante action is the result of our legal system not producing justice.
Option B is cheaper, and permanently effective.
Come-on comparing the execution of child rapists to the others you list is like saying one would be justified to nail someone that called them "Codswallop". Grow-up.
There is something called Justifiable Homicide
If our Leaders will not clean out the scum, someone has to do it.
The Guvmint don't want this trash to be killed in the streets? Simple solution, bring back the death penalty for rape and child molestation.
This kind of activity once got you a short drop and a sudden stop in this country.
It needs to come back