Bull! the Laws protecyting pedophiles, and numerous
other filth, were *NEVER* passed by the *People"
You seem a little unclear on the concept. Laws are not passed by the people. As Modernman said, laws are passed by the representatives of the people.
If you don't like what they do, turn those representatives out in the street and elect new ones.
Ahh but the social mores, ethics and beliefs *are*
set by the people, and their representatives have
failed the american people. The Courts are complict
with the ACLU in social destructionism, by legislating from the bench, laws that strip away the rights of the people to set their own mores, beliefs and ethics, and suborns them
to the irrationl, illogical and oerverted absolutist
interpretations that these jud\ges allow themselves to be legalesed into. Creating an irrational, shackled,
contradictory, unjust, lega;l code, based on no
foundation other than philosopcal constructs
that have no more sustainability that a hose of cards built on sand...The "Law", has become a fiction, built upon fiction, conflated with supposition, and pompositized
nto sounding like it's something of value...when
it no longer has legitmacy, the courts having stripped itself of claim to it.
What is the basis of the Supreme Courts Authority anymore?
What is the basis of any subsidiary courts legitimacy anymore?