To: i_dont_chat
Gosh I hope someone has it. I keep getting the video screen and clicking on Honore but nothing happens. I've tried several times!!! Help????
34 posted on
09/05/2005 3:50:58 PM PDT by
(I trust Rush. He has done more for our country than anyone can ever imagine. He is solid as a rock)
To: cubreporter
Gosh I hope someone has it. I keep getting the video screen and clicking on Honore but nothing happens. I've tried several times!!! Help????
1. Honore VS. Miles O'Brien
2. "That's BS!
You can download these files onto your hard drive using NetTransport
36 posted on
09/05/2005 4:07:19 PM PDT by
To: cubreporter
Gosh I hope someone has it. I keep getting the video screen and clicking on Honore but nothing happens. I've tried several times!!! Help????
1. Honore VS. Miles O'Brien
2. "That's BS!"
You can download these files onto your hard drive using NetTransport
37 posted on
09/05/2005 4:07:55 PM PDT by
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