One thing that's become apparent from posting on FR is that the "timing" for criticizing the President is never right for you guys.
One thing that is apprent from reading every one of Inquest posts. Inquest feels ONLY critizing the Pres is to be allowed on FR. So stooge who do you work for, DNC? Moveon? Answer????
Why criticize the President when he has been one of the most PRAISEWORTHY of the public officials in all of this??? Oh yeah, he's doing nothing (40,000 NG troops and NORTHCOM and Coast Guard etc. = 'nothing') and he doesn't care (yeah right, he's been the most concerned and level-headed official out there)... His address on Saturday said exactly the right things, and the Federal response has been as good as it can be under the circumstances of this being the largest U.S. natural disaster in our history.