The Conservative movement should fire Ms Milkan. It is NOT at all helpful for the Conservative movement to HELP the Liberals in their attacks. Conservatives had better wake up. This is an attack on EVREYTHING the Conservative movement has fought for in terms of Limited Govt since 1980. Go read and listen to what the Leftists are saying. They REALLY think they can use this mess to go back to LBJ's Great Society style govt. They really think this "Blame Bush and Feds" and we can justify making the Feds pay for EVERYTHING. So instead of sitting around bitching about Bush, Conservatives had better be asking themselves just what am I doing to preserve and strengthen Ronald Reagan's victory? We SHOULD be making the case why this is a COMPLETE failure of the state and local govt that took MILLION In Homeland Security money and did NOTHING to prepare. So just what did all that money BUY us in N.O?
So we should all LIE for the cause? Bush can recover from this but he wont be able to he takes advice of the conservative "movement" types who are out of touch with the real world and never had to manage anything more advanced that a debating society.