Posted on 09/04/2005 8:38:30 AM PDT by wildwood
Mistakes were made all around--but the biggest, most glaring mistakes are on the level of the mayor and the governor of the state. The media (and apparently Malkin) want to cover up that FACT. Brown might or might not have been suited for the job. We don't really know yet--but we DO know from performance in this disaster that the mayor and the governor were NOT suited for the job.
Maybe because you demonstrate that you really are not intrested in helping the Conservatives and are happy to see them waste their time eating their own. But your posting stye also exposes you. NOT actually displaying any though and rabidly attacking the other side in EVERY post exposes you for the Hysteric Leftis stoodge you really are.
self ping
whatever happened to good old conservative values of personal responsibility?
Replace Brown with Giuliani, Stat!!!
This is true, but one thing you have to admit: the people on "our" side who can be in the line of fire don't seem to be having complete and total nervous breakdowns on national TV.
To me, that's pretty telling.
Kind of curious how you want to make any discussion of the complete failure of the 1st Responders (The City of NO) and the 2nd Responders (The State of Lousiana) verbotten so you can waste our time repeating every hysteric LIE told about the 3rd Responders (The Feds). MIght it be because you are ACTUALLY more intrested in HURTING the Conservatives then HELPING them?
Very true. This quote is from another thread....
"Chertoff was asked on Fox this morning if Blanco had screwed up..He declined to answer the question, saying that conversations had to be private.."
So it seems that Chertoff, at least, is learning from his mistakes in dealing with the media. My main beef is with the PR aspect of the job when it comes to Brown and Chertoff. Perhaps they will get better at it.
I wasn't aware that the Conservative movement was a corporation.
It is NOT at all helpful for the Conservative movement to HELP the Liberals in their attacks.
This really only comes down to one thing: Whether her criticisms were accurate. Given that so far I don't think there's been one person on this thread who's even addressed her criticisms, I'd say she's hit a nerve. Hence, the person to blame is the public official at fault, not the one who's pointing out the fault. Anything less is, well, liberal.
This is an attack on EVREYTHING the Conservative movement has fought for in terms of Limited Govt since 1980.
Pointing out incompetence in government undermines the fight for limited government? How?
They really think this "Blame Bush and Feds" and we can justify making the Feds pay for EVERYTHING.
In other words, pointing out how federal officials screwed up will lead to more power to federal officials? Should we show the same concern when criticizing the UN for its incompetence?
One thing that is apprent from reading every one of Inquest posts. Inquest feels ONLY critizing the Pres is to be allowed on FR. So stooge who do you work for, DNC? Moveon? Answer????
One thing that is apprent from reading every one of Inquest posts. Inquest feels ONLY critizing the Pres is to be allowed on FR. So stooge who do you work for, DNC? Moveon? Answer????
Another knee-jerk response. Go back and read my posts from Wed/Thu, I didn't give the fed portion of the response a free pass, and I have defended the reporters on the ground who are telling the uncomfortable truth(but not the racebaiting opportunist media members) when certain "Hear no evil" types on this board were whining that they were "losing it" and "drama queens." But Malkin has a long history of over the top, simplistic, and biting reactions well out of proportion to the circumstance. She's great at shrill finger-pointing and backseat driving. Honestly, I feel sorry for her husband.
Answer the question. Why is it you ONLY spend your time here attacking those who defend the President? You NEVER post anything BUT personal attacks directed at the President's supporters. NO facts, no ideas. Just foaming at the mouth personal attacks at those who DEFEND the President. So Which organization do you work for inquest? Moveon? DNC? Answer? Don't quote your sign in date. That proves NOTHING. YOUR conduct is what is being questioned.
Where did I say you said that?
You are trying to deflect her MISINFORMATION by claiming she supported Bush.
Actually, another poster was attempting to deflect her information by claiming that she was a Bush-hater, and that therefore there was no need to pay any attention to what she said. The point of my post was to un-deflect that deflection, so that there can be an actual discussion of what she said, instead of just a bunch of negative comments about Malkin herself.
Whether or not she supported Bush, her accusations in this article are WRONG.
If you could elaborate on that by referring to the specific accusations she made, I think you'd be doing something that no one has done yet on this thread.
No, I took my wrath out on the "1st and 2nd responders" on other threads for the last week or so. Now I'm directing my energy to removing brain dead, bumbling bureaucrats from their "lifetime" positions for incompetence. The first one that comes to mind is the boob from the US Army Corp of Engineers that said the their engineers were inspecting the levees for damage while Fox News was showing photo's of a total breach......
it would be playing politics to NOT fire an incompetent individual! truth will out! MORE FROM MICHELLE:
Although the delay was not entirely the fault of the Bush Administration, Brown's complacency clearly didn't help. And his bumbling statements after the hurricane struck have not inspired confidence.
This is not the time to give a weak performer the benefit of the doubt. The FEMA director's role in the ongoing recovery effort is too important to be entrusted to a clueless political hack with such poor judgment.
Rather than praise Michael Brown, Bush should fire him.
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