One time I was driving between Tuscaloosa and Jackson on I-20. It was during the Bosnian War, and I heard an NPR correspondent interviewing a CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) correspondent regarding the situation on the ground in Serbia.
The CBC correspondent said to the NPR correspondent without the slightest hint of self-awareness that Slobadan Milosevic was using state-owned media to put forth a steady stream of pro-government propaganda. At that poin, I started laughing so hard that I almost drove off the road.
That could have been really dangerous had you hit the wrong pothole. :) Love that Yazoo clay. There was one really bad spot that I always was careful about. It was in between Forest and Meridian. Back in those days I would actual drive above the speed limit. I once made it to Tuscaloosa in 2 hours. :)
My sister-in-law said they took their three cars and filled them all up. I'm not sure where they went, but it had to be in Jackson, and she didn't say anything about how long it took. She was just so happy to have gas in all three cars. They have been housing a teenage friend of my nephew because his family's home has no power. S-in-l's parents were eating with them tonight because even though they have power, they have no groceries. She said they are housing people all over Jackson in churches and the Coliseum, and lots of other places.
Walk to church????
THAT is rich. Count on me to repeat your story!