"Robert Modean Says:
September 2nd, 2005 at 12:24 pm
Sorry Joel & ROE, but you guys are WAAAYYY off base in criticizing FEMA. Disaster preparedness is the responsibility of State and Local authorities in this case LEMA (The Louisiana Emergency Management Agency). There is a state-wide director for disaster relief in every state that person is called the Governor. There is a local director for disaster relief in every municipality that person is called the Mayor.
FEMA is a coordinating body that assists State and Local authorities in getting the resources they need. Because they are the go to people most folks are under the impression that they are in charge, and in fact if the State and Local authorities abdicate control over a disaster area they will take over. Typically after the initial response to a disaster the local guys do just that, leave FEMA in control. Thats because they have the experience and personnel to manage disasters of this scale.
Disclosure: Im a volunteer coordinator for MEMA (The Missouri Emergency Management Agency), Ive been through three major floods and a few big storms that generated enough tornado damage to get the affected counties disaster relief believe me when I tell you what we are seeing from FEMA now is lightyears ahead of what Ive seen from them in the past. Typically it took two to three days just to get the disaster declaration, then another two to three to get FEMA deployed of course by then the local guys had been on the ground working around the clock for five or six days and we were more than happy to dump everything in FEMAs lap. Thats the way the system is designed. Bush saw that and tried to skip a few steps to speed things up, he pre-declared the areas disaster areas. So what we are seeing in NO is the result of a convergence of factors:
First, the storm damage was bad, but the flooding has made relief efforts ten times harder than anything they could have imagined. Second, Mayor Nagins performance has been pathetic. This is the worst case of poor planning and criminal incompetence Ive ever seen.
Like I said, Bush declared the gulf coast area a Federal Disaster area on Saturday two days before Katrina hit. That freed up FEMA resources for local and state coordinators and allowed for the pre-positioning of supplies so they could be rapidly deployed to the affected areas. Mayor Nagin waited until the last minute to call for an evacuation of the city, but the poorest people could not evacuate why werent school busses used to get them out of town?
Mayor Nagin made the last minute decision to declare the Superdome and COnvention centers as refuge relocation points why werent they stocked with water, food, bedding, generators, and fuel? Why werent hospitals offered additional resources by the Mayors office?
Mayor Nagin made the decision to allow looting and told the police to focus on Search and Rescue but looting hinders S&R efforts (as weve seen) and no one I know could believe that decision its emergency management 101, preserving order preserves life. Theres plenty of blame to go around Blanco deserves her share too but the real culprit in the aftermath here is Nagin."
Very helpful. Thanks.
#1-It's not named FECA - Federal Emergency Coordinating Agency.
#2 - Since 9/11, they have spent multi-tens of billions of dollars, which expenditure has probably been wasted. It does not cost tens of billions of dollars to have one to three pretty boys ready to give press briefings on Federal-state partnerships.
#3 - The most probable post 9/11 scenario requiring Federal emergency management (that's their name) is an attack rendering an urban area uninhabitable and requiring relocation of a large population to contiguous or non-contiguous States. There does not appear to be any Federal relo plan, Texas, God bless 'em, has done most of the heavy lifting here.
Of course, it goes without saying that Governor Blanco should be impeached unless she takes the honorable way out (improbable at best). I'm not so sure how much responsibility Nagin bears, although I'd be happy to see him walk the plank as well.
But I'm very sceptical that our huge FEMA expenditures post 9/11 have been well spent, and I'd like Bush to accept a few resignations there pour encourager les autres.
It's amazing what a few facts can do to alter opinions IF someone is willing to listen and think.
Obviously the MSM is not included in that group.