Over here we have that paragon of virtue Randall Robinson telling the WORLD, that blacks are eating corpses because all the relief supplies were sent to white neighborhoods. And eating corpses after 3 days no less!
We have cops helping the looters happily or just standing around and letting them help themselves to whatever they want to loot.
Cops who are quitting, "to be with their families."
Leaders who have absolutely NO clue what is going on around them. A mayor and Gov who are so ineffectual as to make one shudder when watching them on the tube.
It's a whole system that is so hopelessly inept that it boggles the mind. And it's not like after Camille they didn't have 30 years of warning that something like this was likely to happen sometime in the future.
At it's very heart is a moral depravity that shivers the soul. It's a nihilistic anarchy that can leave one speechless. Shooting rescuers and firemen? Shooting people who are bringing the food???
And yet it all gets back to what another poster noted above. It didn't happen with Ivan. Nor Andrew. Nor Hugo. Nor with the NE blackout. Nor with 911. Nor at anytime that I can remember. The LA riots I think. Seems like they shot at firemen coming to put out fires.
What can I say. I guess I thank GOD that I don't understand this kind of iniquity.
Naw, it's easy to understand why: the devil. If it can hurt God, the devil will try to do it.
I've learned about everything from how to set up an Incident Command System by the book, to Hazardous Materials, to Radiological Emergencies, Shelter Management, Volunteer Management, and Household Preparedness over the net.
There is no charge for these classes, and they only take a few hours to complete. You even get a nice certificate a few weeks after you complete a course.
Hell, in my town ever first responder is required to take at least the NIMS course. Now, it may be coincidence but I see that course is temporarily offline for some reason. I suspect demand has something to do with that.
FEMA is probably running some crash courses for people who should already know this sh**....
Sorry to spout off in your general direction, but reading this goobers comments really chaps my hide.