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To: Texas Jack
Did you write this? Well written, this piece addresses many of the problems at hand.

A couple of items for clarification: the SuperDome is 15 miles from the New Orleans airport (MSY) which is actually located out in Kenner. At some point after the storm, a security perimeter with road blocks was set up; they are stopping both motor and foot traffic in and out of the city.

At this point, the surrounding communities and cities are overwhelmed with the displaced New Orleans survivors, and those who evacuated before the storm.

3,104 posted on 09/03/2005 6:38:12 AM PDT by NautiNurse ("I'd rather see someone go to work for a Republican campaign than sit on their butt."--Howard Dean)
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To: All

Does anyone know what happened to the BellSouth building where the 100 firemen and families were battling it out with the looter thugs?

I never heard!

I am nauseated by the total lack of truth about the response to this disaster.

I knew how big the storm was from looking at the loops here on FR. I didn't know ALL the ramifications of the storm, but....I was concerned by the non-existent leardership of the N.O. mayor and the La. Gov. before Katrina hit!

I wasn't the only one.......many here on FR knew we were in for a bad disaster!

What was wrong with the La, leaders? Could they not see it? Or were they thinking, "it will turn, as it always does".
That seemed to be the case on Monday, from watching reporters say, N.O. dodged the bullet.

The so-called tension in this Country about racisim has been fabricated and instigated by Jessie, Al Sharpton, the dems and their followers.

The dirth of leadership and guidance, of the LA what should be in question.

Do the race baiting people out there not realize that the whites & blacks in this Country, are the ones taking in, feeding and clothing the blacks & and whites that have been displaced by this weather disaster?

I have news for some of the folks out there.....
It's not the dems that are doing these kind & compassionate things! I'm sure there are some out there though!

Will people be surprised that the largest majority of givers and those that house & clothe....will prove in the end to be us Conservatives!

I am convinced that the lack of accommodating the people of N.O. by the State of La. is simply CRIMINAL!!!

They need to be brought up on charges immediately!

I think our Country has done the best it could do, in the circumstance!

No communication,
the shock of watching the after effects,
roadways blocked by debris,
the endless parade of people that would NOT/COULD not leave the flood of water,
the thugs that want to take over the city,
the fires,
the people trapped for one reason or another,
too many things to even name!

Our Military and those that are commanding them (including their Commander-in Chief) are heros!!!
God bless every one of them. They always pull us through! And they are to be honored!

As Americans, we need patience...lots of it.

3,613 posted on 09/03/2005 9:34:53 AM PDT by LadyPilgrim (Sealed my Pardon with HIS BLOOD!!! Hallelujah!!! What a Savior)
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