I post on another forum (it's a health forum, people aren't really allowed to get too political), but they are discussing the hurricane and hurricane response.
These folks are mostly liberal and don't really like Bush, but there is not any Bush bashing going on on that board (nothing like what's happening on FR anyway.)
They (the people on the health board) are all pretty fatalistic about the situation and agree that it takes days to bring in supplies.
They have empathy for the people, in fact one member of the forum lived in Houma and another member lived in Waveland and lost everything.
Their main concern at the moment seems to be a discussion of why people are allowed to rebuild on property that is below sea level or coastal property, then have the taxpayer bail them out over and over when disasters hit.
They think the response is what would be expected and aren't faulting anybody for dropping the ball.
I think people on FR listen to the media more than the average Joe and therefore we're more inclined to believe the MSM is having an effect on the average American.
Didn't the last election, and the election of 2002 prove that the MSM can rant, and rant, and rant, and it doesn't influence things politically.
You are right, of course.
It's a knee-jerk reaction.
Mr. Mabelkitty was mad as hell yesterday watching the news, and I had to read to him from FR to let him know all is not as it seems.
I also had to remind him of Iraq war and how the media is doing the same.
He isn't an emotional guy, but showing NO like the killing fields was a bit much....