There are basically three groups of people currently in NO right now, not counting tourists and those trying to rescue or establish law and order.
1. The justifiably helpless - very old, sick, mentally incapable.
2. Those who have been rendered helpless because they weren't taking care of themselves even before the hurricane. Those on welfare, jobless, skill-less, those made helpless by liberal policies. Someone who doesn't know how to take care of him/herself when there is no disaster is not going to learn overnight how to be self-reliant. This group includes single mothers who were not taught to wait until marriage to (pardon the crudity) open their legs and get pregnant. But any mothers with children and no husband or father around certainly need help and should have been served better.
3. Subhuman scum who live by preying on others. They stayed behind because they saw a golden opportunity to loot, steal, rape and commit crime.
Group 1 has been cruelly treated by the incompetent state and city government. Group 2 has been ill-served by liberal policies and deserve sympathy and help - and the future help should include helping them become self-reliant. Group 3 should be exterminated.
Keep in mind that the vilely incompetent, self-serving and criminally stupid governor and mayor did not - repeat - DID NOT order mandatory evacuation until it was too late for everyone to leave the city. If mandatory (real mandatory) evacuation had been ordered two days before, what we see unfolding before our eyes would not be happening.
The governor and mayor are hugely responsible for the horrors taking place this very minute.
Most comprehensive and IMO correct post on this thread.