>>>take a little drive down the highway that is FLOODED, I-10 is in pieces and then think about what you just asked.... who do you help..the first person you see or do you "hoard" the supplies till you get to NO.>>>
Well, I would not do that since I have the ability (as the government, I would own many aircrafts) and DROP food and water. We did it in Afgahnistan, but noooo we can't do that in NO.
How are the buses getting through if the highway is flooded?
Airdrops work best if you aren't dropping them into water, or on to the tops of houses.
dang....you're right.. I didn't even think of that!!!!
I mean all the supplies coming down in crates between buildings in flooded streets should be easy enough to "get".
Now you've got 10,000-30,000 people and how much water is that.. how many MRE's, and your magical aircraft... how many transport, helicopter and hell I guess you'll use gliders and blimps.. do "we" have. So now you've got to get those planes localized in a coordinated effort, find all the supplies (how many again?), arrange for ground drops locations and times, oh yeah.... get all the supplies.. you remember those... and get them to the place the planes fly out of.. or I guess you'd just pull up to the Wal-Mart or Sams Club.. then just "fly to New Orleans" look for the big scraped up dome shaped building with all the little moving dots on the roads and canal/streets/high buildings and drop 1000 to 5000 pound crates with drag chutes on top of them.
gee you are smart. Lets fax this plan to the White House... no better yet, fax it to the mayor or governor of Louisiana... that should really help.......
FYI, air drops look cool, because you see the end of them with these nice pretty parachute thingys floating down and grateful soldiers looking up and thanking the lord and airlift.. you have no clue about the planning and sheer discipline that a coordinated resupply and airdrop takes...
By the way, do you have any other great suggestions... like maybe a 'transporter'... or maybe .... forget it .. it's just Bush's fault, I KNOW IT!!!.... and Haliburtons.