They would have gotten guff, but YES, at the entrance to the Super Dome four days ago, they should have anticipated what kinds of (some) of the people they would be hoarding in there in close quarters, and at the entrances, told female to go to one side, and male to the other. That would have split families up, though, and I doubt many would volunteer to cooperate. Now the result, though, is rapes in broad daylight right before peoples' eyes it seems.
If you look carefully, the vast majority of these women with children appear to be alone. A few have husbands, and I've seen a few men holding babies, but for the most part you see a couple of women together with multiple children. This isn't a suprise, because the welfare state we have created nation-wide encourages the breakup of the family.
In the article last night on Drudge about the chaos inside the dome, it talked about crack cocaine vials in the trash, blood on the walls, etc.. and talked about the murders and rapes inside the dome.... specifically mentioned one woman with 11 children who couldn't sleep for fear one of the so-called thugs would rape one of her "babies." The youngest rape victim (reported) was four years old.
This is why I think splitting them up -- OR -- if they were really organized and had time you would send single women and children to one location, single men to another and couples to another.