The lady on MSNBC complains that they haven't had food or water or ice (ice!) for three days...except for the Salvation Army. She then tells Haley Barbour and George Bush to get out the White House and help them. Oh boy. Three days of nothing but the generousity of the Salvation Army. Note to self: Be thankful to people who help me out if I'm ever in a disaster and try to help others instead of whining that I don't have any ice or food except from the Salvation Army.
The Salvation Army is probably the best organization to donate to. I don't trust the Red Cross. Not just what happened after 9-11 but what they did locally here.
I heard a woman say on another station she hadn't had a "hot meal" in three days.
The media is creating this mess, and they are feeding a lot of it.
I said that from the first day.