"What is gouging? When you see price going up, when does it become gouging?"
A) When it's more than you are used to paying
B) When it's more than you think you ought to pay.
That seems to sum it up from where I sit......
How more socialist can you be? The markets allowed this country to be come prosperous. Your ideology has ruined half of the world. Why are you ignorant of the institutions that made your country great?
A) When it's more than you are used to paying
I'm used to paying $1.25 a gallon. So I guess every gas station in the country is "gouging."
-or- B) When it's more than you think you ought to pay.
I think I ought to pay $0.85 a gallon. < whiney voice on>Why is everyone gouging me? < /whiney voice off>