Yeah, you're right. God was tired after creating apes and said, "ah, give 'em time, they'll eventually evolve into humans".
"Yeah, you're right. God was tired after creating apes and said, "ah, give 'em time, they'll eventually evolve into humans."
I would not venture to guess the mind, motivations, or intent of God.
Who could have foreseen his decision to wipe out most of humanity and start over with Noah and his family? Consider how God asked Isaiah to preach naked for three years, or Ezekiel to roast his food over human excrement (Ezek. 4:12-15).
As familiar as we may be with the Scriptures, we can't always predict how God will handle a situation or how He did things in the past.
The Pharisees knew the Scriptures extremely well but utterly failed to recognized Jesus. We must never forget that God is God; His ways are not our ways. He may, therefore, absolutely astonish us sometimes. In fact, God may at times even APPEAR to contradict what he has previously revealed (Acts. 10:13). Whether he asks us to preach naked or roast our food over human excrement, we need to realize that God is God, and we won't always be able to fit His activity into our limited understanding without befuddlement and discomfort.
I think you are one piece of work thinking you are smart enough to know the mind of God.
You might look over the history of people who have thought like that.