I would hate to be a poor shop owner in New Orleans. My thoughts are similar....There has been so much moaning about people not evacuating before the storm, but after this why would any shop owner or owner of any valuable property feel it would be safe if left in the hands of a democrat run city or state when a mandatory evac order is given.
This will only make those type of people more willing to stay behind and protect "what is theirs" and who could blame them in a dem state.
To: Lady Heron
The whole city is a write-off. 80%+ is flooded and the rest is being forcibly evacuated, which means that the everything which is not flooded will be ruined by fire, rain, mold, mildew and whatnot during the several month period the city is vacant.
I repeat, several months of evacuation in that climate, given the extent of the flooding, means that everything except the structures of the newest & sturdiest buildings will be effective total losses.
Crime has nothing to do with it. Nature doesn't need any help from humans.
1,279 posted on
08/31/2005 8:46:55 PM PDT by
To: Lady Heron
Exactly! We did not evacuate for Hurricane Andrew because we were worried about our property. Turned out to be with good reason, as the next six day were spent on looting alert until the National Guard stepped in with patrols and roadblocks. Unfortunately those who did evacuate were not allowed in at first or discouraged from leaving their points of refuge, just as the officials are doing now. And yes if they ever order evacuations again, I would be hard pressed to leave. Last year we left for Charley(because we were forced to by authorities) when we lived on the West Coast, and saw a delay in getting back in to our home. We had packed up our car with all valuables that could not be replaced I guess that is what one must do in order to not leave the looters anything to steal...
To: Lady Heron
I agree with you. People are not robots.
Many politically correct politicians say evacuate and then after the storm they can not come back to protect their property.
The damn Democrats have certainly not done anything to make the situation in New Orleans safe.
I'm just sick of Aaron Brown and his syrupy comments.
I don't know when he has stood up for his government and said that Bush is at least trying.
Something that the local and state politicians aren't doing in Louisiana.
I'm just sick of these has been local politicians blaming their ineptness on the lack of National Guard.
There's no lack of nothing.
Bush offered to send in the military but the Democrats refused saying they could handle the situation.
I would hate to live under the kind of stupid politicians that left wing Democrats produce.
As with most socialists it's never their fault.
2,360 posted on
09/01/2005 1:25:23 AM PDT by
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