I beg to differ with the author of this artical as he does not know what he is talking about. AMD Advanced Micro Devices does sell its CPU's in retail stores I know that for a fact because I built a Powerfull System using their newest processor which I purchased from COMPUSA along with the rest of the hardware he needed.
I think the author should learn that Intel is not the only manufacturer of Central Processing Unit chips because thats just Not so.
For those who didn't read all the posts or all the article, it's a joke. If 500 more people want to come on here and complain about the accuracy of the article, go right ahead. Then you can read old MAD magazines and complain about the accuracy of those, too.
For those who didn't read all the posts, especially when there are only about 35, it's really a GOOD thing to do! It makes for better discussions.
I'm going to eat some vanilla ice cream, which, I hear, is made of recycled newspaper and cottage cheese and will make your children get younger. Now watch. Someone is going to tell me I am full of crap. Well, that's because I like chocolate ice cream, too, and they color it with crap.