In fact you did insinuate it by the above statement. And you can call it whatever you want, however Constitutionally there was never a formal declaration of war. Just passage of an open-ended statement giving the executive branch the supposed power to wage 'war' on any number of enemies at some point in the future. Of course there hasn't been an official declaration of war since 1941. Look to WWII and even WWI for official declaration of wars
In case you didn't know, the Islamo-terrorists declared war against the United States way before 9/11.
That's a maybe. However none of these 'Islamo-terrorists' came from Iraq. The main purpose of the police action in Iraq (according to the executive branch and most of the MSM which is now maligned here) was the issue of WMDs, of which none have been found
Maybe I dont understand but why is the most sophisticated Anthrax laboratory *in the world* not considered a means of making a weapon of mass destruction?
Why is it that Saddam sent the head of his nuclear production scientist to buy plutonium not considered issues with regards to WMD, just because he was refused sell of the plutonium?
Maybe I am missing something?
This is a very important issue, that most people seem to really miss understand. During a declaration of war the country is in a military state.
For example, my great grandfather owned thousands of acres of beach property in California that he was pumping oil out of before WWII. The oil tanks that the Japanese destroyed in California during the war he built with his own hands. He got a letter that the US government which stated they were taking the land and that was it, they kicked him out of his own home and never got it back. That is a delcoration of war.
The war against the terrorists doesnt need this great of government power to win.