Saturday, August 27, 2005
(Reverse Time Order More Recent Entries Toward Top)1:30 p.m.
Michael Harvey reporting for the IconoclastAt Camp Casey I, the Bush side is chanting "George Bush!" and the anti-war side is finishing their sentence by chanting "War criminal!"
The Bush side is loudly calling out, "Where is your anti-semitic leader?"
One pro-war sign says, "Cindy and Osama sitting in a tree." Another says "Who's paying you?"
A bunch of cars are passing by honking, as they have been constantly today.
Now the Bush side is yelling, "I'm for W."
There are close to 200 people out here now (both sides combined).
Music and barbecue is planned on the Camp Casey side this afternoon.
1:17 p.m.
Michael Harvey reporting for the IconoclastAt Camp Casey I, it is hot, probably 110 degrees. Members on each side of the triangle are yelling at each other, veterans for the war on one side, veterans against the war on the other. They are taunting each other.
The crowd is growing and parking has become a big problem.
At the pro-Bush side of the encampment, a hot-dog stand has been set up.
"At the pro-Bush side of the encampment, a hot-dog stand has been set up."
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