Watching abc natl news now, lead story is Katrina supposedly "Thousands decend on Crawford in protest of peace mom"
WTH?! If we made national news (which we should) this would be a great thing and maybe word would get back to our troops that we do support them and people like sheehan are a very small minority in this nation.
Fred Barnes was right on Friday during special report when he said the whole sheehan story was media driven and there was nothing to it.. he said that there is no great movment rising because of her - that this whole thing has recieved attention only because the media hates bush, its august and they needed somthing to do. Mort and jeff birmbaum (especially jeff) dropped their jaws. It was fabulous. :)
He's echoing what many in Conservative circles have said for 3 weeks. Namely the Weekly Standard, Washington Times, National Review Online, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Lars Larson, Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol. And in some form or capacity, General Richard Myers and Secretary Rumsfeld. They've all said essentially the same thing. The media is driving this "non-starter" (as Charles Krauthammer calls it) of a story.