Whazzup widdat? Are they covering their bets in case Jihad Cindy Mark II* implodes?
*our very own Cynthia McKinney is Jihad Cindy Mark I
Yupper. Bingo.
Newsmax and the Washington Times are going to predict that 10,000 pro-America supporters are going to confront this rabble band led by Sindy Al-Sheehan-Bin-Pharting.
I can't wait.
You must remember... the she-hadist also travelled with Military Moms with a Mission (Kerry financed group, up till the election). She did videos with them through RealVoices.org early Sept. 2004 and spoke with them before that.
ABC is covering their backside in case Al Qaeda hits us again on 9/11.
ABC wants to go after the pro-war people who are coming - so after weeks and weeks of nonstop free positive press, they have to make a token effort so they can trash the people who will stand up to Cindy. The MSM is never fair - but they do have to fake it now and then to keep from being too obvious...
That is exactly what is happening. Cindy is going mental and ABC is now repositioning as a neutral observer.