When my daughter was in Paris on an exchange program years ago (she speaks fluent French) she overheard the Parisiennes refer to Americans as 'couchon' (pig). Being my daughter, she approached these folks and asked (in French) if they spoke French. They responded, "oui."
My daughter's retort in English was: You're welcome."
%99 of the people I met here this week ALL believe that Bush put together 9/11 attacks to get rich off of oil.EVERYONE believes this , common knowledge.No backing , no facts just a strong held belief here.I have to admit the anti Muslin sentiment here in Holland is growing , a BIG change from last year . They all FEEL for Sheehan in this case.
PS Can't believe how shameless Sharpton is ..SOO SOOO obvious he is ..yet thousands believe he is sincere. SICK