Unsuitable Candidates
64. Those who are discovered to be unfit for physical, psychological or moral reasons should be quickly removed from the path to the priesthood. Let educators appreciate that this is one of their very grave duties. They must neither indulge in false hopes and dangerous illusions nor permit the candidate to nourish these hopes in any way, with resultant damage to himself or to the Church. The life of the celibate priest, which engages the whole man so totally and so delicately, excludes in fact those of insufficient physical, psychic and moral qualifications. Nor should anyone pretend that grace supplies for the defects of nature in such a man.
65. After the capability of a man has been ascertained and he has been admitted to the course of studies leading to the goal of the priesthood, care should be taken for the progressive development of a mature personality through physical, intellectual and moral education directed toward the control and personal dominion of his temperament, sentiments and passions.
Dear Romulus,
Although I don't have much trouble connecting the dots in what you posted from Pope Paul's encyclical, unfortunately, it seems to leave a lot to the imagination, to interpretation.
Are there clearer definitions of things within the document?
I think that Pope John's document is a lot more straightforward.
Thanks for the cite.