Posted on 08/22/2005 4:48:44 PM PDT by milestogo
SECOND OPINION: Did the Jews do 7/7? Khaled Ahmeds TV Review
Humayun Gauhars bit about Netanyahu in London being warned off by Israel was just the right pabulum for the clergy in Pakistan. They added the Qadianis to his formula! 7/7 was done by Jews and Qadianis!
All sorts of analyses appeared on TV about who could have done the 7/7 in London. Much noise from the armpit (Urdu idiom) was produced after the British apologised for reports that said earlier that Pakistan could have been involved. But the level of discussion was defensive and of low quality.
GEO (17 July 2005) Foreign Affairs discussed 7/7 with Ikram Sehgal and Ambassador Abul Fazl among others. Sehgal said that the four boys involved in the London bombings were perhaps not aware of what they were doing. It could be that they were deceived. (Why did they carry their credit cards with them?) Therefore they were perhaps not suicide-bombers.
He noted that the British government succeeded because of closed-circuit cameras and recommended that Pakistan too use them. He said the London-bombers were students of English schools; why was blame being put on Pakistani madrassas?
Abul Fazl said that as a result of what had happened, racism among the British working class would increase. British society will become sensitive to Muslim community and hatred of Islam would increase too. Ikram Sehgal thought that the mosque imams in Britain could improve the image of Pakistan and that the UK must arrange to train its own imams instead of importing radical and semi-literate imams from Pakistan.
Ikram Sehgal and Abul Fazl were quite accurate in their analyses about the imams in the UK and the feared red-neck reaction against the Muslims. It was too early to predict whether the bombers knew what they were doing. It is however remarkable that the polls have shown that the Muslims of the UK believe that British society is still tolerant. With new laws the UK will now move to winkle out the extremists more effectively.
PTV (24 July 2005) Humayun Gauhar and Senator Mushahid Hussain discussed the London bombings and traced the criminal past of the Christian West. Humayun Gauhar referred to his knowledge of the crusades and said that the Temple in Israel was called so because it was built by the Templar knights. He said in the last 200 years the West had committed crimes against the Muslims. He said that a report just after 7/7 in London had said that Israeli politician Netanyahu was in London but was warned by Israel not to go out of his hotel on 7/7, which proves that the London bombings were planned with Israel in the loop.
Mushahid Hussain said that when the Muslim Turks laid siege to Vienna the bakers of Vienna tried to placate them by making croissants, the sign of the Islamic crescent. Gauhar said that the Christians under Queen Isabella threw Muslims out of Spain along with the Jews most cruelly. He said Western media was misreporting the Muslims and was full of anti-Islamic bias because in America the journalists took the line from the State Department. Honest reporting was only for inside the US.
It was of no practical use to start talking of the Crusades. Neither Humayun Gauhar nor Mushahid Hussain was an expert on the subject. Crusades were bad for the Muslims and the Jews. But then much of Islamic rule in the region was bad for the Muslims before and after the Crusades. Humayun Gauhars bit about Netanyahu was just the right pabulum for the clergy in Pakistan. They added the Qadianis to his formula! 7/7 was done by Jews and Qadianis! About the accusation of bias against the Western media, the less the better. In the mid-1990s, Mushahid Hussain and Hussain Haqqani (both competent fixers for their interchangeable leaders) faced the CNN in an open debate on the subject, AND LOST!
ARY (18 July 2005) host Shahid Masood discussed nuclear weapons with Pervez Hoodbhoy and ex-ISI chief Hameed Gul. Hameed Gul wrongly claimed that Israel had made its bomb from uranium by stealing an American ship full of it on the high seas. Hoodbhoy said that Israel had not used uranium at all, but had made it from plutonium.
Gul said America was ready to attack Iran while telling the self-confessed nuclear offender North Korea that it would not attack North Korea. He said America wanted to get rid of the Pakistani bomb because it was Islamic and because it threatened Israel.
How can Hoodbhoy, Pakistans topmost physicist, be so uppity as to correct Pakistans top strategist-intellectual? In the case of North Korea, the neighbours have a role to play and they dont want North Korea attacked. In the case of Iran, the EU3 are playing a similar role. British foreign secretary Straw has said twice that invasion of Iran is not an option. Germanys chancellor Schroeder has made no-attack on Iran his electoral slogan.
In the past, America saw that attacks had worked nicely against Iran and is using the rhetoric once again. There is a crimp in Guls logic: Iran is to be attacked before it has made the bomb. Once it has got the bomb, no one will be able to attack it. Pakistan has the bomb already. Guls logic should make it invulnerable. The idea is to attack before rather than after the fact.
PTV (23 July 2005) reported on wedding parties and tried to embarrass guests eating dinners against the law which bans eating during weddings. Everyone said that they would prefer to eat at weddings. The bridegroom said that he did not want the feast but the side of the bride wanted the feast to reciprocate for the feasts they had enjoyed from others.
It was found that in Karachi the police was not raiding the wedding halls. An effort was made to embarrass the guests eating at a wedding party. Those who were questioned were not able to give the economic argument.
The only flaw in the programme was its unwillingness to discuss a bad law. A bad law is that which cannot be enforced. Many Islamic laws fall in this category, like the one on murder of khataa and its diyat especially in cases of manslaughter in the shape of road accidents. The ban on feasting has partly been inspired by religion, but it has no nexus with the economy. The law has damaged the economy, rendered lakhs of people unemployed and caused the poultry industry to collapse. The PTV should have discussed the law. *
Oh, the Daily Pakistan 'newspaper' blames everything on the jews. Big surprise. Muslims are always so tolerant, so freedom-loving, so peaceful, that this is totally unexpected.
Either Blame it on Bush or the Joos. Bush did it I tell you.
How about TRIPE conspiracy theories?
I used to think that jihadists had some sort of inferiority complex. Of late, I've concluded that they are simply inferior. It must be the inbreeding..
"that the four boys involved in the London bombings were perhaps not aware of what they were doing"
The only truth in the whole article. None of these terrorists have an ounce of gray matter.
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