Those are California state, county, municipal and private programs. The only federal health and nutrition program that immigrants here less than five years are eligible for is the WIC program for American citizen babies, including the unborn human beings.
In Texas, the Republican attorney general ruled that hospital districts could not allow illegals to participate in maternity and well baby programs because that would constitute misappropriation of taxpayer dollars, a form of theft.
In California the uberconservatives would have called him a RINO and voted against him because he wasn't perfect on every issue.
Some people just don't understand the concept of electoral politics.
Yeah, that's why we passed Prop. 187 in California in 1994, that would've done everything your damn AG in Texas supposedly did and more. We American patriots understand the concept of electoral politics all right. And we're going to teach it to party hacks like you all across the nation on the immigration issue so fast it'll make your head spin.
"Your billboard in Spanish, sponsored by Los Angeles County, advertising welfare for illegals is a good example of why it's more important to win elections than to prance around with glee for losing elections because you "stuck to your principles.""
But you just told us the other day that Illegals on welfare was a "myth".
Bayourod lies about illegals not recieving welfare
Bayourod lies about illegals and crime
" Some people just don't understand the concept of electoral politics."
Some people just don't understand the concept of telling the truth.
Ah, there we are.