About damned time.
While I have a great deal of sympathy for those who are quietly, personally atheistic (who say, simply, "I believe in no gods")... I have a great deal of antipathy for those who are loudly, abrasively, stridently, militantly Atheistic (who go well beyond reason to assert "There ARE no gods, and if you believe otherwise you are an idiot undeserving of a public voice").
These latter have made a mill of using the "I'm offended" card, churning out ludicrous suits and court rulings attacking the Christian foundation of this Republic, and in effect instituting the establishment of a State religion of Atheistic Secularism.
This new ruling may prove of use in ending these shenanigans.
About DAMNED time, too.
The offended argument can now be applied to its primary users. I am deeply offended by the practice of atheism in the public sector, and especially in the courts and schools.