The second law makes no distinction between "random energy" and "nonrandom energy". This is part of why you're being laughed at, along with this notion that snowflakes are not "ordered" - entropy has a firm mathematical definition, and snowflakes have less entropy than a drop of water, hence are more ordered. I'm sorry you don't feel like you're getting good answers here - someone will probably step up to the plate with a fuller explanation, once we're all done wiping the tears from our eyes.
Wow, at least I'm finally getting a somewhat reasoned response rather than the typical evolutionist religious dogma. Now THIS is quite refreshing...
And you may laugh all you wish, it would be a bit silly to laugh at the notion that random energy creates order since that is diametrically opposed to the second law of thermodynamics that things tend toward random disorder.
However, since you seem somewhat reasonable, how about your postulate on exactly how evolution fits into the Second Law? This should prove interesting.
For weeks I've been looking for a non-religious response to evolution. I'd be curious in your exposition at how many leaps of faith you make by the time you're done ;-)