Sorry, but they, for the most part dismiss a young earth. For there to have been fossils Billions of years old, then Adam and Eve would have to be Billions of years old because there was no death until original sin, was brought into the world, by the guy and all his helpers you see here trying to destroy the faith of the chosen. "Hath God said?"
I don't pretend to understand all the arguments pro and con, God said it and I believe it, I don't have to grasp it as a scientific certitude, to believe it.
Most evolutionists that post here, In their effort to validate their own faith in Evolution, are willing to equate all religions, as equally ignorant. They would even enjoy enlightening the faithful to the point that they would, if they could destroy all faith in God's promises.
Lu 21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but My words shall not pass away.
I don't know what creation scientists you listen to but the ones I read don't talk about billions of years. They talk about a young earth.