As a whole, my generation disgusts me (Boomer freepers excepted, natch.)
That's too broad a generalization. I'm a so-called "baby boomer" and I've done nothing to kill people nor ever voted for anybody but conservatives since my first election when I voted for Reagan.
Conservatives tend to see individuals first. Liberals however tend to have groups as the unit of discussion. Let's leave the pop sociology group think for the other side.
True enough.
Kids aren't stupid. They know that social security, medicare, and anything else that was supposed to be there as some sort of safety net is simply not going to be there. They aren't even laying blame for it either - its just a fact and they are going to have to fend for themselves if they want families and any kind of security.
I laugh when government employees and Boeing employees go on strike over pensions. What a laugh. One of these days that popping sound will be their heads forcible extricated from their nether orifices and they will see that the pension died in the 70's.
I wish I could be around to see how history will judge the boomers. They are going to look at that generation as one of the most slovenly, amoral, and irresponsible generation ever. They'll call it a miracle that we didn't incinerate the world through a haze of bong smoke.