As you know, Rus, in 1985 a kidney biopsy carried the prognosis of my certain demise, probably within two years. The physician who'd treated me before then told my husband that from what he knew of me and saw, "to expect to bury me within 4 or 5 months."
Well!...I had interrupteded the nephrologist when he was giving me the results of the biopsy to say it was all right - that I knew The Great Physician and Whose Timetable it is.
I genuinely meant that, just thankful I had not left this world abruptly through an accident or illness; and whether it was 5 minutes, days or months or years, I had time to relate what I wanted to say to loved ones and friends. As a Christian, this was 'Crunch Time,' and I stood firmly on knowing whatever was ahead, He would give me the strength to deal with it.
(Having worked in and around medicine for 19 years, I had no rosy illusions about the renal road ahead.)
One of course gives a lot of thought then to such a situation, and I sometimes wrote of "where I was" in dealing with it as the years ticked off and I was still working, despite that and other serious problems - it was 9 years before I was sidelined, by the way - and THAT was 11 years ago.
It now is nearly 20 years since The Sentence!
At any rate, in 1987 I penned something relevant to the Daily Bread message.....
He still had things for me to do in His Plan for me..:))
Yes indeed. There is no other Comfort.
I hope you have a great day.
He definately had other plans for you Maggie..
Through Christ alone, I have my trust.