Bill Clinton claimed to be obsessed with UBL. For eight long years, Clinton was the most powerful man on the planet. Had he been obsessed, UBL would've been toast in 1993.
See post #98.
"Bill Clinton claimed to be obsessed with UBL.--"
Below is what Bill Cohen says about that.......
Senate Coverage -- (September'06)
Thomas ^ | 9/5/06
Posted on 09/05/2006 9:49:31 AM PDT by Mo1
I had to turn off Levin or I would have broken my TV and computer..
BUT, I have a SCOOP...I turned off Levin and turned on the Bill O'Reilly radio talk show.
His guest was William Cohen, Clinton's Sec. of Def....and they were discussing the war on terror, blah blah.
Bill asked him about the various times the Clinton had the opportunity to catch or kill OBL...and Cohen said this, "well, you have to understand that at the time that OBL was blowing up embassies, WE WERE TOO DISTRACTED BY SADDAM HUSSEIN..and what he was doing in Iraq, with possible WMD'S"!!! Bill said, SADDAM WAS a part of the war on TERROR even in 1990s ..Cohen said in 1998, they were focusing totally on Saddam and the weapons inspectors...
There is NO WAY a dem can say that the war in Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 in that way...because if the USA hadn't been so concerned about SADDAM, there would have been more attention paid to OBL...and he MIGHT have been caught.
385 posted on 09/08/2006 9:46:11 AM PDT by Txsleuth