You are vile to call him vile. And how do you know what Jesus thinks of evolution? You got some kind of pipeline?
And how do you know what Jesus thinks of evolution? You got some kind of pipeline?
And how do you know what Jesus thinks of evolution? You got some kind of pipeline?
You learn how Christ feels about evolution by refering to "original sources." (ie. Scripture) Within those sources you'll find Christ making the most adamant statements endorsing the Word of God and creation.That is the pipeline:
"Haven't you read," He replied, "that He who created them in the beginning made them male and female." Then, lest you suggest this is not an unqualified declarative statement about God's creative act Christ goes further, "For this reason (ie. creation of the two sexes and by extension the institiution of marriage) a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife . . ."