To: randog
It is an election ploy for the Dems. They know that the American people are getting fed up with the illegal immigration situation. The Republicans are moving way to slow in addressing the issue.
15 posted on
08/16/2005 7:00:13 PM PDT by
NY Attitude
(You are responsible for your safety until the arrival of Law Enforcement Officers!)
To: NY Attitude
The Republicans are moving way to slow in addressing the issue. uhhh, they started moving? I didn't get that ping. when did that happen????
21 posted on
08/16/2005 7:03:28 PM PDT by
(The UN wants our guns so they can rape our children and steal our money)
To: NY Attitude
Yes it is. They've both pretty much been pro illegal immigration from the gitgo.
61 posted on
08/16/2005 7:32:05 PM PDT by
("This is the sort of English up with which I will not put." Winston Churchill)
To: NY Attitude
It is an election ploy for the Dems. They know that the American people are getting fed up with the illegal immigration situation. I notice a "bonus" in the form of freeing up allocation of federal funds upon the act of declaring an emergency. Mighty cynical to boot.
I think the attention is warranted, and absolutely agree with your sense that the GOP is too quiet, too slow, too indifferent, or whatever on the issue of unregulated immigration.
128 posted on
08/16/2005 8:09:47 PM PDT by
To: NY Attitude
It a smart move by the Democrats,Republicans are in trouble on this issue,and they deserve it!
To: NY Attitude
It is an election ploy for the Dems. They know that the American people are getting fed up with the illegal immigration situation. The Republicans are moving way to slow in addressing the issue. Yes it is a ploy. But I think the republican governors of California and Texas need to do the same. Arnold can go tomorrow and Perry can go the next day. The democrats have just made it easier for them. They should seize the opportunity.
193 posted on
08/16/2005 9:14:46 PM PDT by
(Kennedy's float, Mary Jo's don't!)
To: NY Attitude
It is an election ploy for the Dems. They know that the American people are getting fed up with the illegal immigration situation. The Republicans are moving way to slow in addressing the issue. I don't care if it is an election ploy. These Democratic election ploys may just end up doing more than the Republican Congress is doing. If they are going to keep doing these "election ploys", we'd be better off electing them instead of the Republicans in Congress who keep claiming they can't do anything about it. IIRC, Jim Sensenbrenner tried to get a bill on illegal immigration considered, and the house leadership said no. NO! And they smear Tancredo more than Democrats do.
To: NY Attitude
It is an election ploy for the Dems
To bad Republican governors couldn't use that ploy.
277 posted on
08/17/2005 8:17:49 PM PDT by
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