Fact. George W Bush is the most real, people President in the modern Presidency. (Clinton was a faux people President, b/c all he wanted to talk about was himself.) You must be avoiding the Daily Photo Thread of President Bush's activities. You must never read the stories of those who have met him, who have interacted with him, who have observed him. You must have missed his events on C-Span.
The man is the most real, down-to-earth charmer it would be possible to imagine.
Your statements about his having no diplomatic skills and being isolated and insulated by handlers are ignorant in the extreme. He visits the Coffee House in Crawford and hangs with the employees that wait on customers. He goes to the kitchen with the cooks. Does the same when he goes to a fancy hotel. He meets the workers, hears their names, signs things they want autographed etc.
People who don't hate him adore him, especially if they have EVER been in his presence. That is just a fact. He hugs people. He visits the wounded from the war. He stays for 2 hours. He talks. He listens. He cries.
When he walks in a room somewhere, unless they hate him already, the room lights up. People's faces light up. People smile. People joke. People laugh. People enjoy the moment and enjoy being alive.
You claim to be above everyone here in your intellectual attainment. But all of this fact, truth, has escaped you. Whatever else is true or not about your self-description, I say you are a fraud.
A young child who follows the President's life knows many times over more than you know about Goerge Bush.
He also stays long after the cameras have left. Great comments, btw.