God failed to make perfect life. Therefore God is imperfect.
Is the grammar school serving Holy Communion again?
No, but some will soon be reaffirming Genesis though.
When Christians stop speaking out on issues relative to society, culture, and government then the challenges will cease because they'll just disappear into the mire.
There are plenty of cultural issues that Christians can, and should, get involved with. But making Christians, and conservatives, look like idiots with Santa Claus versions of science is not one of those.
Whether you like it or not, not all Christians agree that evolution is false. This is a religious dogma fight taking place in courtrooms and politics. It will do nothing but damage for both Christians and conservatives and their ability to get real change accomplished.
Let me put it another way: When Christians are effectively silenced in the public arena, then you'll be happy.
When Christians stop interfering in science and science education, then I'll be happy. Many other things they do I approve of wholeheartedly.