""We want to empower the people to control their own destiny, hold politicians accountable for their own promises, vote for candidates based on content of their policies and not the label of their party," she added."
I for one, cannot fathom why blacks flock to the party that voted against the Civil Rights Act and has worked overtime to keep blacks on the plantation.
Example: NEA and Teacher's Unions, run by libs, have screwed up inner-city schools so bad, that blacks have a hard time getting ahead.
Of course, why would the libs want to TEACH blacks the things that will enable them to LEAVE the plantation?
THE AFL-CIO got the message that RATS can't accomplish anything for them when they are in the MINORITY in Washington DC. Maybe the 89% of blacks who can't think for themselves will figure it out too.
I hear the blacks put pressure on other blacks when they don't walk the Democrat walk and talk the Democrat talk. How shameless.
Black Americans voting Democrat over and over again and getting exactly nothing for it over and over again.
Is this part of the same group of Black Conservatives that met with The President at the Whitehouse before going to the ranch?
How Democrats see Blacks.