Oh my how quickly you leap to eat your own. And over welcoming me to Freerepublic? That speaks volumes just by itself. LOL well I would stay but apparently FreeRepublic is too thin skinned to allow free speech. I would love to debate, even with the namecallers, but since my posts were thrown into the Memory Hole it's apparent that dissent is not allowed here. Think about what that means folks. And is the irony completely lost on you?
Sigh, try and debate. Look at her foot massages, her getting dolled up for the camera. The utter goofiness of it all. The media whoring.
Then debate.
You can't stay...you'll be banned by the time I post this.
And no, I didn't " eat one of my own"; I complained to your welcoming committee. We don't welcome TROLLS here.
Free speech isn't allowed on DU. Heck,there's far more dissent allowed here, than there, but there are always limits to free speech and you crossed the line.
Actually, the tradition of removing posts like yours began with a few psychotic stalkers who were working for the Clinton Administration.
I would love to debate, even with the namecallers,...
Yeah, that's EXACTLY what the psycho-stalkers (whose visible means of support were always unclear, if you get my drift) always said...
Think about what that means folks. And is the irony completely lost on you?
I've often thought about what it means when the Left shouts "free speech" all day, then when one of theirs (Boy Clinton) assumes power, suddenly begin the IRS audits, the pulling of FBI files, coordinated SLAPP lawsuits with two of the country's largest newspapers, and cyber-stalking by Democrat administration operatives...
Sheehan dragged her son's dead body out this morning on the TooGay Show and wiggled it around a bit, blaming her pending divorce on Casey's death.
She'll be blaming bad weather and an unbalanced checkbook on her son's death next... ;-)
I'll always be amused by the mental picture of George W. Bush "hiding" from Code Pink Sheehan while he was meeting with her last year.
How many pieces of silver is Code Pink getting from Soros (I'd say Moore, too, but he's not known for giving away his sizeable stash...)? ;-)
Say - when's Cindy Sheehan going to meet with ME? Why is she hiding from concerned Americans like us?