Dear Man50D,
"Moreover, concurrent with the repeal of the income tax, a constitutional amendment repealing the 16th Amendment and prohibiting an income tax will be pushed through Congress for ratification by the states."
Nope, as things are currently configured, it's likely that the NSRT would pass and the repeal amendment wouldn't even get out of Congress.
The NSRT legislation needs only a simple majority.
The constitutional amendment requires 2/3 majorities in each house.
And then ratification by 3/4 of the states.
Color me a little skeptical that that's going to happen.
Especially AFTER we give the politicians a big fat juicy sales tax, WITHOUT first taking away their authority to levy an income tax.
Why are they going to go back and give away that authority by repealing the 16th amendment??
"We'll never use it, we promise. Well, only in a real emergency. Like a major war. Or something. Like, maybe if the deficit was too large. Or Social Security was about to fail. Or if we really, really needed to nationalize healthcare. Or if we really, really need to tax all those ugly old rich folks to subsidize food purchases for poor hungry starving deserving children."
No, thanks.