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To: Jeff Head
It is the story of what is said to be the most successful rescue mission in the history of the American military. It beautifully details how the 6th Ranger Battalion (comprised of an elite group of 121 men), accompanied by a large group of Filipino guerrillas, traveled thirty miles by foot, behind enemy lines (which numbered nearly 30,000 Japanese), in order to rescue the 511 remaining survivors of the Bataan Death March.

Word had come back that the Japanese were torturing and brutally murdering American POWs rather than housing them until the end of the war. The plan was to rescue those survivors who represented the mere five percent who endured the unprecedented, sadistically barbaric Bataan march, and then three additional indescribably brutal, gruesome, macabre years in Camp Cabanatuan in the Philippines.

Miraculously, 523 Japanese troops were killed or wounded during the raid, yet only two Americans and twenty-one Filipino guerillas were killed in the mission, with two dying afterwards of their wounds.

The "Anti War" crowd who pats themselves on the back for their 'moral superiority' can never ever imagine or admit that not only are there some things worth going to war over....or that only moral reprobates hide from this fact and are in essence far worse than ordinary cowards..

Evil triumphs when 'good men' do nothing...but evil prevails when men refuse to fight because they say they are above such things..of course they lie..the truth is..they are cowards who live in the shadow of men who are willing to fight, to kill, to die, if necessary to defend, to rescue, to go to war that others might live..that others might be free..

It is a shame ..that our public school system does not honor such heroes and hold them up to our children..that they might learn who our real heroes are..and at what cost our freedom has been won for us..

10 posted on 08/14/2005 7:34:27 PM PDT by joesnuffy (Save the whales. Redeem them for valuable prizes.)
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To: joesnuffy

OUr nation was formed by great thinkers who were has been preserved by the blood of those willing to fight to preserve it.

18 posted on 08/14/2005 7:48:29 PM PDT by Jeff Head (
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To: Jeff Head
...but more importantly for the eloquent remarks about our nation and the lessons we must retain if we are to preserve our liberty and way of life, and if we are to ultimately survive as a people and as a culture.

Jeff, Since I joined FR, I have been posting about the illegal alien invasion which has now become an honest to goodness re-colonization of America.

Four states have changed so drastically that minorities now are in the majority. You say "if we are to ultimately survive as a people and as a culture." As a people, our nation, America is rapidly changing to North Americans instead of just good ole Americans. Our culture, thanks to the enforcement of the recent politically correct regulations and laws is almost gone. We are now a hyphenated nation of people who refuse to assimilate. We have so many different socialist cultures today that we resemble the United Nations more than a freedom loving people who once respected individual liberty and held our national sovereignty high with pride.

The world screams at us for having prisoners at Gitmo and our response is to release them! These prisoners have never held such a fine idea of what imprisonment can be in their minds. They know about beatings and whippings, blood splattered walls in the interrogation rooms. They understand what a mass burial is because they participated in them.

The just-released movie, 'The Great Raid' shows us what Americans once were. That was a time in our history when the President wouldn't dare opening our borders to illegal aliens because there would be an armed revolt at the first sign of selective law enforcement.

I think the days have gone past to where Americans could ultimately survive as a people and as a culture. Today our government encourages immigrants to maintain their culture. We celebrate diversity and multi-languages rather than unity. We encourage dual citizenships and promote divided loyalties. We are rapidly evolving into North Americans of a multiculturalist continent where national sovereignty is frowned upon. This social engineering process is being supported by both parties making it more difficult to determine who we should vote for.

Sure, there is a few of us who refuse to accept what we have allowed to happen to our once great nation but soon we too will die of old age and that debate will settle into past history. It will be another NON recorded vote with only very few present that sends us over the edge and erases America from existance. We will soon become another United Nations state rather than an independent country.

52 posted on 08/14/2005 9:02:28 PM PDT by B4Ranch (The New World Odor is UN-American)
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