Twist-and-Shout. A sentence or phrase is lifted out of context. It is mangled as needed to make it appear absurd or at least patently wrong. That's the "twist."
Next comes the "shout." The absurdity is now denounced loud and long. Others are pinged to come and help slay the absurdity monster. The absurdity is compiled into quote salads and used to show that various people hold inconsistent views, are detached from reality, are unable to think, etc. Protests are ignored. There is no stopping the process.
A variant of strawman fallacy. There are other ways to get to a strawman argument, of course. Twist and Shout is basing your strawman upon that single snippet and boring in with tunnel vision from there.
There is nothing wrong with the original text to merit the treatment it has received here. I have been noting that out loud since I was pinged onto this thread by the miscreant himself. Somehow, the concept seems almost ungraspable.